Blitz (146/213)

From:Ralf Berkvens
Date:25 May 2000 at 10:40:10
Subject:Re: Bug in Lof?

> Now all I need is a recursive scanner. I came up with the idea of scanning
> through, counting the number of subdirs, and storing an array of those
> subdirs. Then just scanning through the subdirs using the normal routine.
> Would this work? I don't see any reason why it wouldn't, but I ain't got
> time to try it at the moment.
It WOULD work, but imagine how much memory it would absord if someone
had 15 directories each with 15 subdirs each witch 15 subdirs etc.

If you do it recursively there's only an entry on the stack for each subdir
you enter, instead of a whole array. Just make sure you set your stack to be
large enough for people with (absurdly) large directory structures..
> Catch ya later,
> GazChap.


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